Sunday, January 10, 2010

Probably just another stupid action movie.


I am the first guy who will go on a rant against re-using old ideas. If you're going to use something that was good, at least re-brand it like the Mighty Ducks did with the classic Bad News Bears. But in the case of the A-Team, it works.
Movie producers couldn't have picked a better staple of cheesy 80's TV (Unless you want to get Ernest Borgnine back for an Airwolf reunion).
The plot is relatively simple and you can build an entire story into a 2 hour movie. It's also never been put to screen before, just TV, so you're not changing any "canon" movie stories(*cough*JJ Abrams*cough*).
It's prime for sequels, because the entire plot was designed for serialization.
And it's easily updated to the current time. The "Elite Commando Unit" could have simply served in the first Gulf War, or some action related to the "War on Drugs".
Maybe it's because I don't have quite the attachment to this (or Transformers) than I do to Trek, but I don't mind the idea of a new A-Team movie. In fact, I love it when a plan comes together.

Posted via email from coryk's posterous

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