Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New About.me Page

I've decided it is time to market myself as a freelance writer, voice artist, and general creative nerd. I have created a page on about.me.
Check it out and leave me some feedback.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amateur Radio Blog Splits from 'Live to Tape'

This post is to inform you of a few things: First, Posterous doesn't exist anymore after being purchased and killed by Twitter. Therefore a lot of photos on old blog posts are gone. These pictures aren't coming back, sorry.
Second, and much more fun, I started a new Amateur Radio Blog and plan to post there daily for a while and regularly as long as I still have things to talk about. Here's a link: The Nerdcave
This blog will probably be more of a personal thing that contains random thoughts, political BS, and any other writing that comes out of my head.
Thanks and see you around the internet.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Complete PigRig part 2

Here are the last two photos that were sitting in the camera+ light box. Oops. 

Posted via email from coryk's posterous

PigRig #176 is complete!

Here are some picture of my build. I need to add some labels, but other than that the rig is complete. I feel pretty good about my first transceiver that puts out more than a watt.

Posted via email from coryk's posterous